Sponsorship Letter - An Example
3:10 AM
MMQ Mediaworks
Dear [CEO…or CMO…or Chief of Corporate Philanthropy…or the person who makes things happen].
[Your esteemed company name here]
[explain background of things-example here is concert of band]
[Every so often an opportunity comes along that helps advance your brand and your products in a unique and noteworthy way. Affiliating your company with the 15th anniversary of the Rock Bottom Remainders—a group of reasonably good musicians who are better known for writing best-selling books—is just such an opportunity.
The Rock Bottom Remainders is the world's best-selling band. Okay, maybe not for CDs or albums, but they have penned more than 200 books and sold more than 200 million copies in 25 languages. Sure, they have no Grammy® nominations, no recording contract and no music videos, but their Web site has more than 159,000 hits on Google.
Their 15th anniversary concert, the Still Younger Than Keith Tour, will take place June 1st in New York City. Joining them as guest musician will be Roger McGuinn, renowned member of the Byrds. To promote this special, one-night-only event, the band will perform May 31st on Good Morning America. We expect lots of media attention, as has been the case whenever the Remainders get together.]
As Presenting Sponsor, you will also receive the following media exposures:
Logo prominently featured in or on…
* All newspaper ads and print ads (designated as "Presenting Sponsor”).
* Special post cards mailed to all 28,000 attendees of the 2009 [main event], May 31-June 2 (designated as "Presenting Sponsor”).
* Stage backdrop, which will have the [group] logo followed by "Still Younger Than Keith Tour Presented by [your company logo here].
* [name] Web site home page.
* Special anniversary blog countdown to the event on which members of the [group] will banter for 30 days.
* Main page of online auction featuring concert tickets, art, autographed books and various other priceless items.
* Posters promoting the event.
* Back of hat specially made for the 15th anniversary, and to be sold at the event.
* Your logos on the [name] Web site can link directly to your website or dedicated jump page on the [name] Web site with your specific sponsor message.
Other brand exposures include…
* May 31st Rampai Pagi on [tv channel name/programme here], on which the Remainders have been invited to perform.
* Your choice of back cover, inside cover or two-page spread in keepsake tribute book distributed to 1,800 event attendees.
* Named in press releases issued after sponsor commitment.
* Opportunity to hang banner at concert venue.
* Opportunity for information/literature giveaway.
* Included in full-page ad in Borneo Bulletin and Brunei Times in pre-convention issue.
Wait, there’s more! You also get…
* Eight signed limited-edition lithographs of the band by two-time Pulitzer-winning cartoonist, Isa Ryan. These are signed by all in the band.
* One-of-a-kind [your thing] signed by all members of [group]
* Allocation of tickets—30 pair of VIP tickets and 60 general admission.
All sponsorship funds are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the Brunei Government. Funds are received by the Remainders Foundation, a charitable services fund at the Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF) and disbursed to the three causes the band is supporting.
Talk to us, and go on gently,
your company name here
[Your esteemed company name here]
[explain background of things-example here is concert of band]
[Every so often an opportunity comes along that helps advance your brand and your products in a unique and noteworthy way. Affiliating your company with the 15th anniversary of the Rock Bottom Remainders—a group of reasonably good musicians who are better known for writing best-selling books—is just such an opportunity.
The Rock Bottom Remainders is the world's best-selling band. Okay, maybe not for CDs or albums, but they have penned more than 200 books and sold more than 200 million copies in 25 languages. Sure, they have no Grammy® nominations, no recording contract and no music videos, but their Web site has more than 159,000 hits on Google.
Their 15th anniversary concert, the Still Younger Than Keith Tour, will take place June 1st in New York City. Joining them as guest musician will be Roger McGuinn, renowned member of the Byrds. To promote this special, one-night-only event, the band will perform May 31st on Good Morning America. We expect lots of media attention, as has been the case whenever the Remainders get together.]
As Presenting Sponsor, you will also receive the following media exposures:
Logo prominently featured in or on…
* All newspaper ads and print ads (designated as "Presenting Sponsor”).
* Special post cards mailed to all 28,000 attendees of the 2009 [main event], May 31-June 2 (designated as "Presenting Sponsor”).
* Stage backdrop, which will have the [group] logo followed by "Still Younger Than Keith Tour Presented by [your company logo here].
* [name] Web site home page.
* Special anniversary blog countdown to the event on which members of the [group] will banter for 30 days.
* Main page of online auction featuring concert tickets, art, autographed books and various other priceless items.
* Posters promoting the event.
* Back of hat specially made for the 15th anniversary, and to be sold at the event.
* Your logos on the [name] Web site can link directly to your website or dedicated jump page on the [name] Web site with your specific sponsor message.
Other brand exposures include…
* May 31st Rampai Pagi on [tv channel name/programme here], on which the Remainders have been invited to perform.
* Your choice of back cover, inside cover or two-page spread in keepsake tribute book distributed to 1,800 event attendees.
* Named in press releases issued after sponsor commitment.
* Opportunity to hang banner at concert venue.
* Opportunity for information/literature giveaway.
* Included in full-page ad in Borneo Bulletin and Brunei Times in pre-convention issue.
Wait, there’s more! You also get…
* Eight signed limited-edition lithographs of the band by two-time Pulitzer-winning cartoonist, Isa Ryan. These are signed by all in the band.
* One-of-a-kind [your thing] signed by all members of [group]
* Allocation of tickets—30 pair of VIP tickets and 60 general admission.
All sponsorship funds are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the Brunei Government. Funds are received by the Remainders Foundation, a charitable services fund at the Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF) and disbursed to the three causes the band is supporting.
Talk to us, and go on gently,
your company name here
Acquiring Corporate Sponsorship - A Guide
3:07 AM
MMQ Mediaworks
Nearly every company will require a written approach before they decide whether or not they will meet you. Most companies receive a considerable number of requests, nearly all of which are turned down. Many of them are turned down because the information is presented in such a way that the executive simply cannot assimilate it in the brief time available.
Common faults include:
• Too much irrelevant information.
• Bad presentation - Page after page of long, closely typed paragraphs.
• No directions - Why are you writing? What would you like them to do?
• No sign posting - Numbering points and subheadings make a document easy to read and will enable you to focus on key points.
• Ideally, the written approach should consist of a two page proposal (consider 3 pages the absolute Max) accompanied by a brief covering letter.
The proposal must give the facts about your organisation and the event for which you seek sponsorship, together with the list of benefits which will accrue to the sponsor. Neither the facts nor the benefits should occupy more than a page each.
PAGE ONE of the proposal might run as follows...
WHO YOU ARE. A paragraph describing the aims, objectives and activities of your organisation. If you wish to expand on this, do so by means of an attachment.
WHAT THE PROJECT IS. An equally brief description of the project for which you are seeking sponsorship.
WHERE the project will be taking place.
WHEN the project will be taking place.
YOUR OTHER SOURCES OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT. Grants from arts bodies should not jeopardize your chances of obtaining sponsorship. Rather, they constitute endorsement of you and your project by the professional arts world.
THE AMOUNT OF SPONSORSHIP MONEY REQUIRED. There is no need for a budget breakdown at this point, simply state the amount of money you are looking for. Further budget information can form an attachment if necessary. You may find the emphasis on brevity restricting. Remember that at this stage all the company will be doing is deciding whether or not they want to meet you. It is rare for a company to endorse a sponsorship project on the base of a written application alone.
PAGE TWO of the proposal should list the benefits. The prime benefits you are able to offer your potential partner will certainly include:
A brief analysis of your audience. Quantify wherever possible.
Say what you plan to produce, how many of each item and where these will be displayed or distributed.
Outline the opportunities your project might generate for entertaining. Give details of priority booking schemes or concessional rates for the companies’ employees. Identify any items that the sponsorship might generate with a life beyond that of the project.
Mention any media coverage that you might expect your project to receive. Show yourself to be aware of the difficulties encountered by sponsors in getting media acknowledgement for their sponsorship of the arts. Say that you would like to work with them in order to maximize their chances of obtaining appropriate media credit. When presenting benefits, try and be as specific as possible. You should aim to give sponsors sufficient data so that they can evaluate the cost effectiveness of your project alongside other promotional opportunities
This should be brief and to the point. It should contain a one or two sentence summary of the proposal and an indication that the attached project and accompanying benefits analysis is only one example of your organizations’ activities. Express willingness to explore alternative ideas. You have outlined benefits for the company by their sponsorship of the stated project but you would not wish this to preempt any more flexible or imaginative approach which might develop during discussion Avoid saying that you 'look forward to hearing from them.' Instead, retain the initiative by courteously indicating that you will telephone to arrange a meeting unless you hear from them in the meantime.
As a general rule, keep these to a minimum and make sure they are absolutely relevant. If you wish to send examples of publicity material or press cuttings, one of the former and two of the latter should be sufficient. If you have a number of projects for which you are seeking sponsorship, attach a list of them, indicating the amount of sponsor investment required for each. Avoid sending bulky plastic folders containing loose-leaf papers. Clarity, neatness and the avoidance of jargon are much more important in your written approach than the use of multicolored folders and glossy printing.
You are unlikely to have 'Yes' said to you at this stage. It will either be 'No' or 'lets discuss it at a meeting.'
There are several ground rules for a successful first meeting with your potential sponsor:
Present yourself well. Dress according to their conventions, not yours.
Remember your homework on the company's operations and show an interest in them. Don't assume too high a level of knowledge on their part concerning your activities. On the other hand, never patronize.
If you have decided that two people from your group are going to attend, define the role of each in advance. You may choose to have a 'talker' and a 'listener.' You may choose to share the giving of information to the sponsor, and responding to the sponsor's comments. (Or you may decide to have a single representative at a first meeting and, later, if the opportunity is given to you to make a presentation of the proposal to other executives within the company, use a two person delegation.
When you enter the meeting, establish a dialogue at the earliest opportunity. You may be nervous. You may feel uncomfortable in unfamiliar surroundings. You will give yourself a chance to relax, as well as gaining useful insights, if you begin the meeting by asking questions rather than selling your proposal.
Although you have studied information about the company, this is your opportunity to ask questions which will enable the sponsor to restate the company's position. For example: What are the criteria against which they assess sponsorship proposals? What are their sponsorship objectives? How long have they been sponsoring the arts? Who are their target audiences? Which of their projects do they regard as having been the most successful? Why? How are their decisions made concerning sponsorship?
LISTEN to the information you are given and be prepared to modify your own proposal accordingly. You must think fast and possibly be prepared to discuss alternative ideas and projects. Sponsorship companies can find that their most successful projects evolve during discussions, with benefits being negotiated accordingly.
When you are describing your project, try and be as clear, concise and informative as possible. Use verbal signposting (e.g. number your points) and respond quickly to any requests for specific information. If possible, finish the meeting with a clear idea of what happens next. Don't let it tail off into the equivalent of 'I look forward to hearing from you.'
Ask if they require any further information from you. Would they like you to develop a more comprehensive proposal for presentation to a committee or board? You should already have determined how the decision will be made: Try to determine the schedule for the decision-making. Establish who will next contact whom and when. Once again try and keep the initiative. It is in your interest to be able to instigate any followup.
Write promptly and say thank you for their time and for their interest. It is courteous and will leave the company with a positive impression of your organization. Maintain a file on all the responses you receive. Make notes of meetings and telephone calls for the record.
You should be continuously reviewing your methods of approach and refining your techniques. Gradually you will learn how to generate more sponsorship with less effort. Try to maintain contact with the company. Invite them to a performance or an exhibition, or to tour your premises. Send newsletters and press clippings.
If your request is rejected, do not challenge the decision- however politely. This does not preclude you from asking why you were turned down. Although the reason is likely to be one of company policy or fully committed funds, you might get some clues as to how you could improve your presentation.
Continue to maintain contact, if possible, but let at least 9-12 months go by before putting in another application for sponsorship. Remember, too, that in the case of projects with large investment implications for the sponsor you may have to see an initial 'no' as part of a longer lead time requirement.
Once your proposal has been accepted and you have entered into a partnership, it is necessary to get the terms of the sponsorship clearly agreed in writing. This might take the form of a letter of agreement, or a more formal contract.
The agreement is the first step in developing the working relationship and there are five steps in all. They are:
Key points to cover are:
A clear description of the project, including venues and dates.
The sponsorship payment.
The method and timing of payment.
The wording of the credit to be given to the sponsor on the publicity material. If the sponsors name is to appear in the project title, you must also agree on the wording of the title.
Any arrangements such as advance booking facilities or concession rates for the sponsors employees
Any restrictions on the sponsorship. For example, if the company is to be the sole sponsor of the project it should be clearly stated that no other sponsor will be associated with the project.
Arrangements covering any cancellation or postponement of the project.
Develop a timetable for the sponsorship which is compatible with your existing commitments and those of all deadlines for printing the publicity material. Ensure that the sponsor is given the opportunity to see and comment upon such material before it goes to press. Ensure that the sponsor knows the deadlines for any priority booking schemes.
Many sponsorship projects generate extra work, both in the execution of the project itself and in publishing it. If there is extra work to be done it must be clearly identified well in advance and then by mutual agreement allocated either to your organization or to your sponsor. Typical areas where this may occur include:
Although you should retain control of all artistic decisions concerning the project, there might be a certain amount of project management. (for example, in the production of a book or record) which the sponsor is better equipped to handle.
If the project is expected to generate media coverage you need to be quite sure who will co-ordinate the writing and distribution of press releases and the issuing of invitations to press launches. If you are responsible for contacting the media, you should ensure that the sponsor has the opportunity to read and endorse all the information you produce concerning the sponsorship.
Be quite clear as to who is expected to book caterers and arrange venues. If you undertake the responsibility for any of these arrangements ensure that the sponsor endorses your plans well in advance.
It is well worth working closely with your sponsor when planning the production of publicity material. Your sponsor may have in-house expertise, or contacts with good designers. They may wish to invest more money in publicity material than you can afford, but for which they have additional resources. Whoever is responsible for co-coordinating the production of publicity material, it is essential that both of you have a chance to see it and comment upon it well in advance of any print deadlines.
A good working relationship requires that commitments entered into are intended to be met. If, on your part, you find that commitments cannot be fully lived up to-- for whatever reason-- then warn your sponsor as soon as possible. Often they can help to rectify matters.
At the end of the project, you and your sponsorship partner should hold a debriefing session on highlights and/or lessons learned. If the sponsorship is long-term an annual audit can ensure that it is working satisfactorily for both parties and, at the same time, can lead to development of ways in which the relationship can be strengthened and improved.
Never presume to think that because your sponsors are 'commercial' they will be brash or insensitive. They have decided to be your sponsorship partner because by associating with you, they can convey certain messages to their target audience. They will not want to alter your artistic identity. Always remember that you and your sponsors are living and working in the same society. You may have a great deal to offer each other.
Nearly every company will require a written approach before they decide whether or not they will meet you. Most companies receive a considerable number of requests, nearly all of which are turned down. Many of them are turned down because the information is presented in such a way that the executive simply cannot assimilate it in the brief time available.
Common faults include:
• Too much irrelevant information.
• Bad presentation - Page after page of long, closely typed paragraphs.
• No directions - Why are you writing? What would you like them to do?
• No sign posting - Numbering points and subheadings make a document easy to read and will enable you to focus on key points.
• Ideally, the written approach should consist of a two page proposal (consider 3 pages the absolute Max) accompanied by a brief covering letter.
The proposal must give the facts about your organisation and the event for which you seek sponsorship, together with the list of benefits which will accrue to the sponsor. Neither the facts nor the benefits should occupy more than a page each.
PAGE ONE of the proposal might run as follows...
WHO YOU ARE. A paragraph describing the aims, objectives and activities of your organisation. If you wish to expand on this, do so by means of an attachment.
WHAT THE PROJECT IS. An equally brief description of the project for which you are seeking sponsorship.
WHERE the project will be taking place.
WHEN the project will be taking place.
YOUR OTHER SOURCES OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT. Grants from arts bodies should not jeopardize your chances of obtaining sponsorship. Rather, they constitute endorsement of you and your project by the professional arts world.
THE AMOUNT OF SPONSORSHIP MONEY REQUIRED. There is no need for a budget breakdown at this point, simply state the amount of money you are looking for. Further budget information can form an attachment if necessary. You may find the emphasis on brevity restricting. Remember that at this stage all the company will be doing is deciding whether or not they want to meet you. It is rare for a company to endorse a sponsorship project on the base of a written application alone.
PAGE TWO of the proposal should list the benefits. The prime benefits you are able to offer your potential partner will certainly include:
A brief analysis of your audience. Quantify wherever possible.
Say what you plan to produce, how many of each item and where these will be displayed or distributed.
Outline the opportunities your project might generate for entertaining. Give details of priority booking schemes or concessional rates for the companies’ employees. Identify any items that the sponsorship might generate with a life beyond that of the project.
Mention any media coverage that you might expect your project to receive. Show yourself to be aware of the difficulties encountered by sponsors in getting media acknowledgement for their sponsorship of the arts. Say that you would like to work with them in order to maximize their chances of obtaining appropriate media credit. When presenting benefits, try and be as specific as possible. You should aim to give sponsors sufficient data so that they can evaluate the cost effectiveness of your project alongside other promotional opportunities
This should be brief and to the point. It should contain a one or two sentence summary of the proposal and an indication that the attached project and accompanying benefits analysis is only one example of your organizations’ activities. Express willingness to explore alternative ideas. You have outlined benefits for the company by their sponsorship of the stated project but you would not wish this to preempt any more flexible or imaginative approach which might develop during discussion Avoid saying that you 'look forward to hearing from them.' Instead, retain the initiative by courteously indicating that you will telephone to arrange a meeting unless you hear from them in the meantime.
As a general rule, keep these to a minimum and make sure they are absolutely relevant. If you wish to send examples of publicity material or press cuttings, one of the former and two of the latter should be sufficient. If you have a number of projects for which you are seeking sponsorship, attach a list of them, indicating the amount of sponsor investment required for each. Avoid sending bulky plastic folders containing loose-leaf papers. Clarity, neatness and the avoidance of jargon are much more important in your written approach than the use of multicolored folders and glossy printing.
You are unlikely to have 'Yes' said to you at this stage. It will either be 'No' or 'lets discuss it at a meeting.'
There are several ground rules for a successful first meeting with your potential sponsor:
Present yourself well. Dress according to their conventions, not yours.
Remember your homework on the company's operations and show an interest in them. Don't assume too high a level of knowledge on their part concerning your activities. On the other hand, never patronize.
If you have decided that two people from your group are going to attend, define the role of each in advance. You may choose to have a 'talker' and a 'listener.' You may choose to share the giving of information to the sponsor, and responding to the sponsor's comments. (Or you may decide to have a single representative at a first meeting and, later, if the opportunity is given to you to make a presentation of the proposal to other executives within the company, use a two person delegation.
When you enter the meeting, establish a dialogue at the earliest opportunity. You may be nervous. You may feel uncomfortable in unfamiliar surroundings. You will give yourself a chance to relax, as well as gaining useful insights, if you begin the meeting by asking questions rather than selling your proposal.
Although you have studied information about the company, this is your opportunity to ask questions which will enable the sponsor to restate the company's position. For example: What are the criteria against which they assess sponsorship proposals? What are their sponsorship objectives? How long have they been sponsoring the arts? Who are their target audiences? Which of their projects do they regard as having been the most successful? Why? How are their decisions made concerning sponsorship?
LISTEN to the information you are given and be prepared to modify your own proposal accordingly. You must think fast and possibly be prepared to discuss alternative ideas and projects. Sponsorship companies can find that their most successful projects evolve during discussions, with benefits being negotiated accordingly.
When you are describing your project, try and be as clear, concise and informative as possible. Use verbal signposting (e.g. number your points) and respond quickly to any requests for specific information. If possible, finish the meeting with a clear idea of what happens next. Don't let it tail off into the equivalent of 'I look forward to hearing from you.'
Ask if they require any further information from you. Would they like you to develop a more comprehensive proposal for presentation to a committee or board? You should already have determined how the decision will be made: Try to determine the schedule for the decision-making. Establish who will next contact whom and when. Once again try and keep the initiative. It is in your interest to be able to instigate any followup.
Write promptly and say thank you for their time and for their interest. It is courteous and will leave the company with a positive impression of your organization. Maintain a file on all the responses you receive. Make notes of meetings and telephone calls for the record.
You should be continuously reviewing your methods of approach and refining your techniques. Gradually you will learn how to generate more sponsorship with less effort. Try to maintain contact with the company. Invite them to a performance or an exhibition, or to tour your premises. Send newsletters and press clippings.
If your request is rejected, do not challenge the decision- however politely. This does not preclude you from asking why you were turned down. Although the reason is likely to be one of company policy or fully committed funds, you might get some clues as to how you could improve your presentation.
Continue to maintain contact, if possible, but let at least 9-12 months go by before putting in another application for sponsorship. Remember, too, that in the case of projects with large investment implications for the sponsor you may have to see an initial 'no' as part of a longer lead time requirement.
Once your proposal has been accepted and you have entered into a partnership, it is necessary to get the terms of the sponsorship clearly agreed in writing. This might take the form of a letter of agreement, or a more formal contract.
The agreement is the first step in developing the working relationship and there are five steps in all. They are:
- The Agreement
- The Timetable
- The Workload
- The Commitment
- The Followup
Key points to cover are:
A clear description of the project, including venues and dates.
The sponsorship payment.
The method and timing of payment.
The wording of the credit to be given to the sponsor on the publicity material. If the sponsors name is to appear in the project title, you must also agree on the wording of the title.
Any arrangements such as advance booking facilities or concession rates for the sponsors employees
Any restrictions on the sponsorship. For example, if the company is to be the sole sponsor of the project it should be clearly stated that no other sponsor will be associated with the project.
Arrangements covering any cancellation or postponement of the project.
Develop a timetable for the sponsorship which is compatible with your existing commitments and those of all deadlines for printing the publicity material. Ensure that the sponsor is given the opportunity to see and comment upon such material before it goes to press. Ensure that the sponsor knows the deadlines for any priority booking schemes.
Many sponsorship projects generate extra work, both in the execution of the project itself and in publishing it. If there is extra work to be done it must be clearly identified well in advance and then by mutual agreement allocated either to your organization or to your sponsor. Typical areas where this may occur include:
- Project management
- Media liaison
- Hospitality
- Publicity material
Although you should retain control of all artistic decisions concerning the project, there might be a certain amount of project management. (for example, in the production of a book or record) which the sponsor is better equipped to handle.
If the project is expected to generate media coverage you need to be quite sure who will co-ordinate the writing and distribution of press releases and the issuing of invitations to press launches. If you are responsible for contacting the media, you should ensure that the sponsor has the opportunity to read and endorse all the information you produce concerning the sponsorship.
Be quite clear as to who is expected to book caterers and arrange venues. If you undertake the responsibility for any of these arrangements ensure that the sponsor endorses your plans well in advance.
It is well worth working closely with your sponsor when planning the production of publicity material. Your sponsor may have in-house expertise, or contacts with good designers. They may wish to invest more money in publicity material than you can afford, but for which they have additional resources. Whoever is responsible for co-coordinating the production of publicity material, it is essential that both of you have a chance to see it and comment upon it well in advance of any print deadlines.
A good working relationship requires that commitments entered into are intended to be met. If, on your part, you find that commitments cannot be fully lived up to-- for whatever reason-- then warn your sponsor as soon as possible. Often they can help to rectify matters.
At the end of the project, you and your sponsorship partner should hold a debriefing session on highlights and/or lessons learned. If the sponsorship is long-term an annual audit can ensure that it is working satisfactorily for both parties and, at the same time, can lead to development of ways in which the relationship can be strengthened and improved.
Never presume to think that because your sponsors are 'commercial' they will be brash or insensitive. They have decided to be your sponsorship partner because by associating with you, they can convey certain messages to their target audience. They will not want to alter your artistic identity. Always remember that you and your sponsors are living and working in the same society. You may have a great deal to offer each other.
Congrats SuperPitch HD Shortlisted Entries 2008
10:52 PM
MMQ Mediaworks
Superpitch HD finalists unveiled
The organizers of Superpitch HD, taking place the morning of December 11 2008 as part of the Asia TV Forum at Suntec City, have unveiled the competition finalists.
Having attracted 28 high quality entries from across the region – including Taiwan, Thailand, China, Malaysia and Singapore – the six shortlisted entries are:
Anuhan Tomato (Thailand) - Art & Anuhan Tomato
EVO Productions (China) – For Parkour
I Like Entertainment (Malaysia) – Soul Sisters
Kanya Animation (Thailand) – Tiger Heart
Linktree (Malaysia) – Hurrah, Hurray!
Xanthus (Taiwan) - Yameme
Those shortlisted will have five minutes to pitch their idea ‘live’ to the judging panel.
Magz Osborne, managing editor of organizing publications Asia Image and Television Asia Plus, said that the shortlisting process was incredibly difficult given the incredibly high standard of the entries received.
“The entry standard this year was quite staggering, choosing six finalists meant some difficult decisions for our panel. We would strongly urge those who did not make the shortlist not to be disheartened or discouraged, and to definitely keep pursuing their projects,” she said.
What is Superpitch HD?
Superpitch HD is the region’s premium pitching event for aspiring and experienced professionals in TV production. Organized by renowned industry publications Asia Image and Television Asia Plus magazine, Superpitch HD invites entries from around the region – with the shortlisted finalists getting the chance to pitch their idea live, at the Asia TV Forum, to a panel of expert judges.
Superpitch HD is part of Asia Television Forum 2008 – Asia’s largest conference and market attended by professionals from over 40 countries. Superpitch HD offers contestants rare access to a panel of commissioning editors and executives from channels, networks and content creation companies in the region.
Shortlisted entrants will be expected to conduct a pitching session in person. The format of the session: a five-minute pitch, followed by a question & answer session with the judges.
Exciting prizes unveiled!
Apart from the emphasis on HD, another major difference for Superpitch in 2008 is the exciting prizes on offer. Apart from the invaluable pitching experience, media exposure and the opportunity to meet some of the region’s most influential programming decision-makers, this year’s winner has the opportunity to undertake a six-month internship at Discovery Networks Asia Pacific (worth $10,000) as well as post-production hours sponsored by Iceberg.
Who is eligible to take part in Superpitch HD?
Superpitch HD is open to all studios and production houses whose primary base is in any Asia Pacific country, including: Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, North Korea, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand & Vietnam.
What type of projects are suitable and what should be submitted?
Contestants are to send in the concept for their new content, which can be in any genre but should be suited to production in High-Definition (HD), complete with supporting materials.
Contestants are required to submit the following materials:
• completed entry form
• proposed production budget (indicate sources of funding, if any)
• production schedule (estimate number of days required for pre-production, production, post production)
• any supporting materials; including but not limited to word documents, powerpoint slides, flash presentations, video clips, animatics, pre-visualisation, trailers, character sketches, storyboards, scripts, paintings, photos, illustrations etc
Is there an entry fee?
No, and companies can submit as many entries as they like – so long as entries have not already been commissioned or are already in production.
How does the selection process work?
Entry forms are available at www.onscreenasia.com/superpitch. Entries must be received on or before 7 November 2008. A selection committee will then select the best six Superpitch entries. Short-listed companies will be notified by 14 November 2008.
When & where will the pitching session take place?
Superpitch HD will take place on the morning of Thursday 11 December 2008, as part of the Asia TV Forum being held at Suntec City, Singapore.
What does the competition entail?
Short-listed entrants pitch their ideas to a specially-selected panel of commissioning editors and senior executives from networks and content creation companies in the Asia Pacific region. Competitors have five minutes to pitch their concept, followed by a question and answer session with the judges.
Aku bukan Milikmu Casting
11:28 PM
MMQ Mediaworks
Alhamdulillah, we have the support of the drama writer, Ms. Sheema, who has kindly help us with scripts amendments and helping our location manager for the best place possible. Looking forward to finishing up our casting selection soon.
By the way, if you have what it takes to be bring yourself to international standard as an actor, actress, whatever age you are, or even working with us as crew, email us at mmqmedia@gmail.com.
Production schedule and actors portfolio coming up. Watch this space.
By the way, if you have what it takes to be bring yourself to international standard as an actor, actress, whatever age you are, or even working with us as crew, email us at mmqmedia@gmail.com.
Production schedule and actors portfolio coming up. Watch this space.
Latest acquisition for MMQ Post 2009
11:09 PM
MMQ Mediaworks




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